Grade 4 Transition to PMS

From the PMS Administrative Team 

Attention 4th Grade Families!  

Thank you to all who were able to join us at the MPTG and HPTA March meetings as we discussed the 4th to 5th grade transition. 

We encourage you to visit the links below. You will find important information about the transition process, including our presentation from the MPTG and HPTA meetings. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. 

Melville and Hathaway PTO Presentation Invitation

Melville and Hathway PTO Presentation

Parent Invitation to PMS for March Tours

Middle School March Parent Tour Reservations

4th Grade March 26 Parent Communication

Grade 5 Music Selection Form

Grade 4 Visit Letter and Permission Slip

Grade 4 Visit Entrance Ticket