Request Access and First Time Login

Request Access

  • To request parent access to the Family Portal (new accounts), send an email to:

    Please include the following information for each of your children in Grades 5-12:

    • Student’s Name

    • Current Grade in School

    • Date of Birth

    • Parent’s Name

    When your account is created, an e-mail will be sent to you with your login name and a temporary password. 

Change Your Password

  • The first time you login to the Family Portal, you will be notified that “Your password has expired. Please create a new one.”

    You must adhere to the following requirements for new passwords:

    • Minimum length is 7

    • At least one number

    • Can't contain 'password', login name, first name, middle name, last name, date of birth, personal id, or only sequential letters or numbers

Set Your Preferences

  • This is very important. Please set your Preferences. This allows the system to send you an email with a temporary password should you forget your password.

    • Go to the top right hand corner of the window and click on “Set Preferences”.

    • On the top “Security” Tab, please input your email account address,

    • Choose a “Security Question” and “Answer”.

    • “Confirm Answer”